
The Big-5 Personality Traits

The 5-factor model is a psychological principal put forward that all humans have five basic personality traits; openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. We will be dealing with this extensively to help you understand the human behaviour of your clients, colleagues, family and friends and how to make interactions easier. Specifically:

  • We teach science-based personality strategies to help you achieve your goals

  • Using the latest personality science & branded action-based techniques to optimise your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Speed reading others behaviours and utilising it for job performance and relationships.

I’m both an introvert & extrovert. I love people but I need to be alone. I’ll go to meet people, but it has an expiration because I have to recharge. If I don’t find the valuable alone time I need to recharge, I cannot be my highest self.
— Denzel Washington